
TRAILS project intends to increase both wildlife and community resilience in the Lower Kinabatangan region. Restoring continuous and healthy forest corridors along the Kinabatangan River will support the long-term survival of endangered species, reduce human-wildlife conflicts, prevent riverbank erosion, and enhance the scenic beauty of this world-renowned ecotourism destination.

TRAILS main objectives are divided into three sub-objectives:

  • Designing and establishing oil palm based agroforestry systems aimed at assessing their impact on the three components of sustainability (environmental, social and economic);
  • Identifying the key factors of climate resilience by measuring parameters that describe the bioclimatic conditions of plots and their capacity to provide environmental services;
  • Analysing the socio-economic impacts of the transition from single species oil palm plantation systems to agroforestry systems, which are more complex but more resilient.